If you are looking for a grass-fed, animal milk product that supports healthy digestion without compromising flavour, Academy Farms’ buffalo milk has 7% butterfat and double the amount of calcium and protein compared to typical Holstein milk.
Being a 100% A2-milk animal, buffalo provides a unique dairy option that has lower levels of the A1 lactose protein, which makes it easier to digest for those who may be intolerant or have other dairy sensitivities.
We offer a selection of ethically processed, quality cheese and milk products from our buffalo herd. Have a look at our delicious selection of products below.
Academy Farms hosts 350+ water buffalo and 100+ bison on a beautiful, state-of-the-art 108-acre Farm. We humanely and ethically raise water buffalo and bison to produce a delectable assortment of meat, cheese, and milk in our Farm Market.